North Laine
Community Association
Who we are and what we do
The North Laine Community Association (NLCA) was set up in 1976 after the area was threatened with an elevated road scheme which would have resulted in extensive demolition, and has been active in campaigning for the residents of the area ever since.
Together with the North Laine Traders Association, the NLCA provides a vital link in the consultation process. We've been involved in discussions about many of the major schemes that affect this lively and important area.
What do we aim to achieve?
The North Laine Community Association is a registered charity which exists to maintain and improve the quality of life of residents of North Laine. Its stated aim is to promote the benefit of the inhabitants of the area.
The association takes part in all council consultations affecting the area and works with representatives of various local bodies. It monitors licensing and planning applications which might have an impact on the area.
This website aims to provide useful information for residents and enables them to contribute views on local matters. It also allows past and present residents to share their memories of living in the North Laine,
Who are members?
Anyone who lives in North Laine and is over the age of 18 is able to vote at meetings of the NLCA and to be part of the management structure.
How is the NLCA managed?
The association is administered by a committee made up of the officers (chair, vice-chair, treasurer and secretary – all trustees) and trustees who are coordinators of planning, licensing, social events and the North Laine Runner, plus three elected trustees and up to three co-opted trustees.
This committee has the responsibility of managing the day to day business of the association. It is responsible for plans to raise funds, promote social activities, appoint co-ordinators, respond to licence and planning applications and organise the monthly residents' meetings.
The discussions, recommendations and decisions of the trustees are presented at a community meeting (see below) for approval.
What are community meetings?
These are open meetings for residents and members of the general public. The community meeting is seen as the sovereign body of the NLCA and any member of the NLCA has the right to bring any issue before the community meeting for discussion.
Any area of concern can be brought to the attention of the community meeting either for discussion by the meeting or for discussion and action by the management committee.
Once a year the community meeting elects members of the management committee. The meetings are advertised on posters in street representatives' windows, in the association's bi-monthly news magazine (the North Laine Runner) and on the internet.
Street representatives
We also have a system of street representatives who look after particular streets and deliver the North Laine Runner.
What we do
We will speak out and take action on anything which concerns local residents, for example:
Planning issues, whether major developments or small changes, which will affect the area
Policing and crime
Traffic and parking
Rubbish and recycling
Raising awareness of the history of the area
We also have social events, talks and fund-raising activities.
Special interest groups
In addition, we sometimes have special interest groups affiliated to the association (for example, the allotment group). These depend, however, on people in the area being prepared to run them, and on the approval of the management committee, endorsed, if necessary, by the community meeting.